★ 讀者五星好評!經典翻翻書《親愛的動物園(Dear Zoo)》作者創作
這本由羅德‧坎貝爾(Rod Campbell)創作的聖誕主題機關書,敘述聖誕老人為一個特別的孩子尋找最完美的禮物。掀開機關,一隻大風箏、一顆彈力球、一個面具…輪番上陣,但每一樣禮物似乎都有點差強人意。直到平安夜,聖誕老人終於找到了完美的禮物,他悄悄的放在聖誕樹下。
From Rod Campbell, the bestselling creator of the beloved classic Dear Zoo, Dear Santa is a lift-the-flap novelty book being reissued in time for Christmas
In this delightful tale, Santa is looking for the perfect present to send to a special child. Lift the flaps to reveal a big kite, a bouncy ball, and a mask But nothing seems quite right...until Christmas Eve, when Santa finds the perfect gift to leave under the tree.
With lift-the-flaps throughout and a touch and feel element on the last page, this holiday tale is perfect for parents to read with their little ones.