[ 2017 博客來外文年度選書 ]
你是否也有這樣的經驗:為了讓自己聽起來更專業,在言談間穿插英文——某個時尚品牌的名稱、一位作家的名字、或某種法式甜點,卻因為發錯了音而無比尷尬?這本書可以讓你免於這樣的慘況。本書以詼諧的口吻,羅列 150 個最常被發錯音的單字之正確讀音及簡明扼要的詞源,適合所有想探究英語發音、或純粹害怕自己出糗的讀者——你再也不會再念錯「Louis Vuitton」或「Macaron」!
水手長 boatswain
錯視畫 trompe l’oeil
四季豆 haricot vert
For word nerds and grammar geeks, a witty guide to the most commonly mispronounced words, along with their correct pronunciations and pithy forays into their fascinating etymologies and histories of use and misuse.
With wit and good humor, this handy little book not only saves us from sticky linguistic situations but also provides fascinating cocktail-party-ready anecdotes. Entries reveal how to pronounce boatswain like an old salt on the deck of a ship, trompe l’oeil like a bona fide art expert, and haricot vert like a foodie, while arming us with the knowledge of why certain words are correctly pronounced the "slangy" way (they came about before dictionaries), what stalks of grain have to do with pronunciation, and more. With bonus sidebars like "How to Sound like a Seasoned Traveler" and "How to Sound Cultured," readers will be able to speak about foreign foods and places, fashion, philosophy, and literature with authority.