日本東京是如何製作出一個超級強大的 PowerPoint,脫穎而出奪下 2020 年的奧運主辦權?一個沒有大學學歷的美國新移民,如何從小攤販一路成為全美最成功的電視製作人之一?一個在車庫中創業的企業家,如何創造出商業史上最經典 的產品?一個膽小的牧師兒子如何克服群眾恐懼,兩次在洋基球場締造滿座的演講記錄?人權律師怎麼贏得TED最長的聽眾起立鼓掌紀錄?臉書執行長如何發起讓 百萬婦女「挺身而進」的全球浪潮?
《跟 TED 學表達,讓世界記住你》作者全新升級作!以說故事的力量精準溝通,你也可以將產品與理念賣給全世界!《The Storyteller's Secret》精選五十個案例,從創業者如維京集團理察.布蘭森、特斯拉伊隆.馬斯克、蘋果史帝夫.賈伯斯,到臉書雪莉.桑德伯格,以這些成功者為例,揭 露演說出一場有力、激勵人心的演說,究竟關鍵為何。
How did an American immigrant without a college education go from Venice Beach T-shirt vendor to television's most successful producer? How did a timid pastor's son surmount a paralysing fear of public speaking to sell out Yankee Stadium, twice? How did the city of Tokyo create a PowerPoint stunning enough to win them the chance to host the Olympics?
They told brilliant stories.
Whether your goal is to sell, educate, fundraise or entertain, your story is your most valuable asset: 'a strategic tool with irresistible power', according to the New York Times. Stories inspire; they persuade; they galvanize movements and actuate global change. A well-told story hits you like a punch to the gut; it triggers the light-bulb moment, the 'aha' that illuminates the path to innovation. Radical transformation can occur in an instant, with a single sentence; The Storyteller's Secret teaches you how to craft your most powerful delivery ever.
In his hugely attended Talk Like TED events, bestselling author and communications guru Carmine Gallo found, again and again, that audiences wanted to discover the keys to telling a powerful story. The Storyteller's Secret unlocks the answer in fifty lessons from visionary leaders - each of whom cites storytelling as a crucial ingredient in success. A good story can spark action and passion; it can revolutionize the way people think and spur them to chase their dreams. Isn't it time you shared yours?