從羽毛、頭髮、海浪到葉片紋路,細膩的裁刻、靈動的神韻,是紙雕藝術家Maude White每幅作品皆令人目不轉睛的用心與技藝。屢獲殊榮的她,作品常於網路、雜誌與國際畫廊展出。此次的新書Brave Birds收錄65幅最新鳥類作品,每隻鳥作為靈感來源,皆與其傳遞相關的良善與力量的信息相輔,鼓勵勇氣和毅力。書中以不同的分類群組來呈現:快樂、創造力、耐心、善良、韌性、溝通、力量、意識、行動和徹底轉化的鳥類,每一件創作都經過數千次錯綜複雜的切割,賦予這些微妙和靈性的鳥類驚人的質感。對任何愛鳥者或鳥類藝術收藏家而言,Brave Birds對於希望在生命中實踐善良和同情的人來說,是一個美麗的資源與靈感。(文 / 博客來編譯)
In Brave Birds, cut-paper artist and writer Maude White presents an entirely new collection of sixty-five stunning cut-paper birds. As a source of inspiration, each bird is paired with an original message of kindness and strength associated with its particular traits to encourage bravery and perseverance. Inside, you'll find birds for experiencing Joy, Creativity, Patience, Kindness, Resilience, Communication, Strength, Awareness, Action, and Transformation, and each composition, beautifully photographed by Laura Glazer, reflects thousands of intricate cuts, lending an astounding level of texture to these delicate and ethereal creatures. Appealing to any bird lover or collector of bird art, Brave Birds is a beautiful resource for those wishing to practice a life of kindness and empathy.