小女孩和她的玩偶小猴子是最好的一對朋友,而且他們最喜歡模仿了!透過重複吟詠的句型,小女孩一邊說著Monkey and Me,一邊做出維妙維肖的動作,模仿了企鵝、袋鼠、蝙蝠等各具特色的動物。小朋友們,你能在看到小女孩動作的第一時間就猜出他們在模仿誰嗎?快打開這本書,享受迫不及待的翻頁樂趣!
英國凱特格林威大獎得主艾蜜莉.葛拉菲特(Emily Gravett),擅長用跳脫框架而充滿創意的方式說故事,多使用鉛筆及炭筆來作畫,風格細膩柔和,簡單的畫面中富含巧思與驚喜。
Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett, twice winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal, is a beautifully illustrated story full of animal fun!
A mischievous little girl and her toy monkey swing irresistibly through the pages of this playful book. Children will love guessing the animals they pretend to be, before shouting out the answers as the pages are turned to reveal the real creatures. Soon everyone will be waddling like a penguin, jumping like a kangaroo and waving their arm like an elephant's trunk!