??? 《艾莉塔: 戰鬥天使》是由《阿凡達》好萊塢大導詹姆斯卡麥隆監製籌備超過10年《阿凡達》金獎製片團隊王牌製作人強‧藍道(Jon Landau)傾力打造。該片由《萬惡城市》系列導演勞勃‧羅里葛茲(Robert Rodr?guez)執導,電影改編自木城幸人所創作的經典超人氣日本科幻格鬥漫畫「銃夢」,動員好萊塢最頂尖的動態捕捉特效公司WETA,如實呈現「艾莉塔」這名機械合成少女宛若真人的細微情感表現,展現前所未見的感官震撼。
??? 電影講述一名賞金獵人大衛依德在地面上的廢鐵鎮中,從空中都市掉落的廢棄物中撿拾到了一個合成少女艾莉塔的頭顱,將之重新組合之後,艾莉塔即獲得全新的生命、樣貌和力量,而擁有無限戰鬥潛能的她將對抗接二連三來襲的合成人強敵。
豪華精裝本內含概念藝術、角色、製作設計、電影劇照、幕後花絮照片,還有導演羅勃羅德里奎茲(Robert Rodriguez )、製作人詹姆斯‧卡麥隆(James Cameron)、與強藍道(Jon Landau)的專訪,一同回味電影的精采製作歷程,帶您一同深入艾莉塔的世界。。
《艾莉塔: 戰鬥天使》是由《阿凡達》好萊塢大導詹姆斯卡麥隆監製籌備超過10年《阿凡達》金獎製片團隊王牌製作人強‧藍道(Jon Landau)傾力打造。該片由《萬惡城市》系列導演勞勃‧羅里葛茲(Robert Rodríguez)執導,電影改編自木城幸人所創作的經典超人氣日本科幻格鬥漫畫「銃夢」,動員好萊塢最頂尖的動態捕捉特效公司WETA,如實呈現「艾莉塔」這名機械合成少女宛若真人的細微情感表現,展現前所未見的感官震撼。
豪華精裝本內含概念藝術、角色、製作設計、電影劇照、幕後花絮照片,還有導演羅勃羅德里奎茲(Robert Rodriguez )、製作人詹姆斯‧卡麥隆(James Cameron)、與強藍道(Jon Landau)的專訪,一同回味電影的精采製作歷程,帶您一同深入艾莉塔的世界。。
Delve into the world of Alita in this glossy hardback filled with concept art, stills and interviews with the creatives, including Rodriguez and Cameron.
From visionary filmmakers James Cameron (Avatar) and Robert Rodriguez (Sin City), comes Alita: Battle Angel, an epic adventure of hope and empowerment. When Alita (Rosa Salazar) awakens with no memory of who she is in a future world she does not recognize, she is taken in by Ido (Christoph Waltz), a compassionate doctor who realizes that somewhere in this abandoned cyborg shell is the heart and soul of a young woman with an extraordinary past. As Alita learns to navigate her new life and the treacherous streets of Iron City, Ido tries to shield her from her mysterious history while her street-smart new friend Hugo (Keean Johnson) offers instead to help trigger her memories. But it is only when the deadly and corrupt forces that run the city come after Alita that she discovers a clue to her past – she has unique fighting abilities that those in power will stop at nothing to control. If she can stay out of their grasp, she could be the key to saving her friends, her family and the world she’s grown to love.
Delve into the world of Alita in this lavish hardback packed with concept art, character and production designs, stills and behind-the-scenes photos, and interviews with director Robert Rodriguez, producers James Cameron and Jon Landau, and key creative talent.