★大受好評的巴黎鐵塔週年紀念作品《Paris Up, Up and Away》後,再次詮釋城市絕美創作
★2018最新作品:紐約百老匯New York Melody
紐約城市充滿迷人音符,看看卡內基音樂廳、 百老匯音樂劇還有爵士夜總會!
A musical note filled with wanderlust breaks away from its sheet music to roam all around New York City. It visits Carnegie Hall, the bright lights of Broadway, and a hidden jazz club. It soars between skyscrapers, flies into a bass, improvises in a trumpet, and dances a little swing with a trombone, until it finally finds its place in a guitar playing in Central Park. There, it makes all the difference, and the guitar''s melody becomes a song that enchants passersby.
Beautifully crafted with He le ne Druvert''s intricate lasercuts, New York Melody is a wonderfully imaginative introduction to New York and its many unique rhythms for young children.