麻瓜模式切換功能 + 豐富奇獸音效 +
紐特的奇獸旅程紀錄本 + 紐特魔杖筆
打開皮箱,裡頭裝有紐特魔杖造型筆,接著翻開印有紐特燙金姓名縮寫 NS 的筆記本,裡面印有奇獸和電影相關插圖,也可以自行填寫旅行許可申請、設計通緝懸賞令,或畫一堆閃亮亮的寶物來吸引玻璃獸,而自由運用的空白頁面,則讓你可以為魔法日常留下美好紀錄。最有趣的是,每次打開皮箱,都可以聽到七種不同的奇獸音效隨機出現,就好像可愛的奇獸就躲在皮箱中,準備陪你展開精采的魔法冒險。《紐特奇獸皮箱珍藏套組》是和紐特一樣熱愛奇獸的你必備的精美收藏,現在就來一圓成為魔法奇獸學家的夢想吧!
* 注意:商品內附電池因存放較久,可能出現電量不足或生鏽的狀況,需自行更換電池後可正常使用。
This deluxe enchanted replica of Newt Scamander’s case is loaded with interactive special features to make any fan of J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World feel like a master Magizoologist. Kit includes:
Collectible replica of the case carried along on Newt’s adventures, as packaging that doubles as a keepsake box, including metal closing clasps.
"Muggle worthy" dial that allows the case to be opened in either No-Maj or Maj-friendly modes. In No-Maj, a trick lid reveals mundane case contents, but in Maj mode, further wonders are revealed:
Sound activation: each time the case is opened, the sound of 1 of 7 different beasts is released.
128-page, 4-1/4 x 7-inch notebook including images of the beasts encountered along Newt’s journey and field not illustrations. It’s also your Fantastic Beasts-inspired journal, inviting you to describe beasts that you find in your own world. Includes elastic band closure. Newt Scamander’s wand pen."