★ 趣味故事:12個動物故事,內容溫馨精彩,插圖生動活潑,讓學習英文的過程變得輕鬆又有趣!
★ 自然發音:精心選用相似的音韻,訓練孩子熟悉「字母與音」 的連結,為認字和閱讀奠定基礎。
★ 優質出品:本套書由英國優質出版社Usborne所出版,專為孩子量身打造,簡單易懂,讀來順口又滑稽。
★ 超值套書:鼓勵孩子多聽多讀,多多練習字母拼讀。熟悉英文發音規則,見到單詞就會讀。
《Usborne Phonics Collection》自然發音故事讀本套書(共 12 冊),包含以下內容:
(1) Bee makes tea 蜜蜂姑娘做茶點
(2) Croc gets a shock 鱷魚小姐嚇一跳
(3) Crow in the snow烏鴉雪地大營救
(4) Snail brings the mail 蝸牛郵差
(5) Underpants for ants 小螞蟻穿新褲
(6) Goat in a boat 船上的山羊
(7) Llamas in pajamas 穿睡衣的羊駝
(8) Raccoon on the moon 浣熊月球歷險記
(9) Bug in a rug 小小蟲鑽被窩
(10) Mole in a hole 鼴鼠小子來打洞
(11) Kangaroo at the zoo 袋鼠闖進動物園
(12) Hyena Ballerina 鬣狗跳芭蕾
(文 / 博客來編譯)
With simple rhyming text and phonic repetition, Usborne’s Phonics Readers are specially designed to develop essential language and early reading.
The various amusing stories will encourage children to recognise letter sounds while making the whole reading experience fun. There are helpful notes at the back of each book for parents, too.
This brilliant box set contains 12 exciting titles from the series. From Mole’s mission to find a bigger home to Bug’s quest for a good night’s sleep, these terrific tales are sure to keep new readers entertained, making the perfect gift for younger children just beginning to get to grips with reading for themselves.
The titles featured in this set are:
Croc Gets a Shock
Bee Makes Tea
Bug in a Rug
Crow in the Snow
Goat on a Boat
Hyena Ballerina
Kangaroo at the Zoo
Llama in Pyjamas
Mole in a Hole
Raccoon on the Moon
Snail Brings Mail
Underpants for Ant