The Art of Walt Disney''s Mickey Mouse is a celebration of the true original icon, spanning the ninety years that Mickey Mouse has been entertaining audiences with heartfelt performances and humorous antics. The book begins with a comprehensive filmography, listing Mickey''s animated performances in shorts, films, and television shows. This impressive r sum is followed by an analysis of Mickey''s milestones: the firsts he has attained, the achievements he has made, and the recognitions he has received throughout his life thus far. A special double gatefold commemorates Mickey and Minnie''s ninetieth anniversary with ninety pieces of artwork depicting the famous pair, from never-before-seen animation drawings to classic comic book covers. The final portion of the book is a jubilant commemoration comprised of new artwork, interpretations of Mickey Mouse contributed by the inspired minds at Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media. Here, Mickey is reimagined in a variety of media ranging from digital renderings to traditional paintings, in styles as unique and different as the artists themselves.