兩小無猜的愛情在進入大學以後變了調。在都柏林聖三一學院裡,階級的問題浮現了。瑪麗安越來越受歡迎,康尼爾則面對更多棘手的問題。這不僅僅是部愛情小說,莎莉.魯尼(Sally Rooney)的第二本小說為讀者開拓更深層的視野;透過主角,我們在征服與特權中、階級與種族間,載浮載沉。
作者莎莉.魯尼不到三十歲便出版了兩本小說。從小生長於都柏林,文章散見於報章雜誌,Normal People 是她繼 Conversations With Friends 後又一力作,探詢年輕人成長過程所面臨的疑惑,青澀的故事下,包藏對青春的追憶。(文 / 博客來編譯)
Connell and Marianne grow up in the same small town in rural Ireland. The similarities end there; they are from very different worlds. When they both earn places at Trinity College in Dublin, a connection that has grown between them lasts long into the following years. This is an exquisite love story about how a person can change another person’s life - a simple yet profound realisation that unfolds beautifully over the course of the novel. It tells us how difficult it is to talk about how we feel and it tells us - blazingly - about cycles of domination, legitimacy and privilege. Alternating menace with overwhelming tenderness, Sally Rooney’s second novel breathes fiction with new life.