★ 近9成讀者滿5星推薦:小手好按、反覆聆聽、點播率超高!
最超值的英文經典童謠大合輯,收錄Humpty Dumpty、Little Bo-Peep 和 Twinkle、Twinkle Little Star等多首曲目。嬰幼兒也方便操作的按鈕,讓寶貝隨按隨聽,跟著一起唱歌。材質堅固的硬頁書,內有多個翻翻機關、不同觸感材質,讓寶貝邊聽邊玩,開心探索!
A brightly coloured high-contrast playbook for babies, with flaps, touchy feely patches and fingertrails to explore. Press the buttons on the sound panel to listen to specially arranged tunes for ten traditional nursery rhymes including Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Hickory Dickory Dock and Mary had a Little Lamb.