★ 讀者滿五星好評!經典繪本《古飛樂》迷你圖書館
★ 適合學齡前小手翻讀、學習英文四大認知概念
《古飛樂》小小圖書館內附四本小硬頁書,是專為小手設計的可愛袖珍書,內容以英國知名童書作者茱莉亞.唐娜森 (Julia Donaldson) 最膾炙人口的著作《古飛樂》腳色串場,帶孩子認識顏色、數字、動物行為、相反等概念。適合珍藏也是送禮的最佳選擇!
本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book)
Four fun books featuring the Gruffalo and friends.
More in the exciting Gruffalo baby and toddler series from the bestselling Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, featuring all your favourite characters from the deep dark wood. Learn about colours, numbers, opposites and animals with this fabulous set of four bold, bright board books, now available in a miniature slipcase. My First Gruffalo Little Library is a perfect gift for young Gruffalo fans!