泰勒是一個普通的鄰家小孩,但當家人決定要搬家時,泰勒不得不離開他原本熟悉的生活。還好,泰勒有一群朋友,他們在Minecraft世界裡一直支援著泰勒。泰勒與他的朋友伊凡、坎迪斯、托比、葛蕾絲一起在主世界(Overworld)裡經歷了無數冒險,現在他們決定前往終界(Ultimate Quest),與終界龍(Ender Dragon)一決高下!
The first Graphic Novel in the world of Gaming Phenomenon Minecraft!
Tyler is your everyday kid whose life is changed when his family has to move from the town he's always known. Thankfully, Tyler has a strong group of friends forever linked in the world of Minecraft! Tyler, along with his friends Evan, Candace, Tobi, and Grace have been going on countless adventures together across the expanses of the Overworld and are in need of a new challenge. They decide to go on the Ultimate Quest--to travel to the End and face off against the ender dragon!