The Gentle Colonoscopy: A Dietary Guide for Your Preparation and Aftercare

The Gentle Colonoscopy: A Dietary Guide for Your Preparation and Aftercare

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The Gentle Colonoscopy outlines an easy to follow soft diet program that is essential for any colonoscopy preparation. It is a comprehensive guide which takes you through both before the procedure and your aftercare step by step, to help you prepare for your colonoscopy.In this guidebook, you will learn about: *The soft diet protocol*Step-by-step instructions on what to do every day during the the week leading up to your colonoscopy*What you should drink*What you should eat*How to mentally prepare for the procedure*What are electrolytes, why they are important and how to maintain them*What are probiotics and why they are important*Clear instructions on what do to after your colonoscopy*Tips on healthy eating practices for better digestion*Delicious recipes that can be used on this program and any time for the health of your colonColon cancer is the second leading cause of death in North America. Early detection is key. Colonoscopies are an important tool for early detection, however many adults delay this procedure or knowingly avoid it, fearing an uncomfortable preparation period and an invasive procedure. As the value of early detection cannot be stressed enough it is important to note that colonoscopies, and the preparation for this personal procedure need not be a scary event. But not limited in their role for cancer - colonoscopies are also an important diagnostic tool for anyone suffering with inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's Disease, who experience abdominal pain or bleeding, or who have diverticulosis or polyps. Carla Greenspan Roter outlines a straight-forward, gentle and effective pre- and post-colonoscopy protocol in The Gentle Colonoscopy. This small and clear guide will help you to make this potentially life-saving procedure more comfortable and within your control.The recipe section is excellent for nourishing, healthy, meal suggestions. They are particularly good for those who have been ill, or have had their immune systems compromised in some way. The meals reduce acid in the system, replenish electrolytes, vitamins and important minerals with easy to follow steps. Our clients love them



Carla Greenspan Roter has been a registered practical nurse for over four decades with a private practice specializing in GI disorders and gerontology. She has inevitably become one of Canada’s foremost experts on natural & supportive colon care and digestive issues of all kinds.



  • ISBN:9781543924848
  • 規格:平裝 / 50頁 / 21.1 x 13.7 x 0.8 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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