Big Steps硬頁操作遊戲書,
The Big Steps書系特色:
健兒門診的時間就快到了,爸媽、寶貝放輕鬆,讓我們預先模擬醫生檢查的場景吧!好玩的互動操作機關,幫助孩子紙上熟悉看診的流程和環境,親切的醫生和護 士阿姨,會幫小朋友量量身高和體重,聽聽檢查胸腔的呼吸,寶貝乖乖沒亂動,表現很棒喲,等下可以獲得獎勵貼紙!準備要打疫苗了,爸媽可要先穩住自己,別讓 小孩感染了焦慮的情緒,參考書頁下方學前教育專家的建議,過程將會更順利!
Big Steps陪伴家長與幼兒,做好強大的心理建設,共度成長的重要時刻!
The Big Steps series is designed to help young children deal with new experiences in their lives. In We're Going to the Doctor, Billy and Nell go for a check-up and have an injection. This novelty book with a sweet story has fun flaps to lift and mechanisms to move as well as practical tips for parents and carers on each page, endorsed by leading Early Years Consultant, Dr Amanda Gummer.
With delightful illustrations by Marion Cocklico, We're Going to the Doctor is the perfect book for sharing and reassuring little people.
For more toddler tips, read We're Having A Baby, I'm Not Sleepy, No More Nappies, I'm Starting Nursery and Can You Say Please?