社會學教授Amy Blackstone,身為沒有小孩的女性、也是《我們不生孩子we're {not} having a baby》部落格主。在這本兼顧各面向的完整精彩作品裡,融合自己長年來的研究,與個人生活體驗,引領讀者深入一個正影響我們社會,如此重要卻又如禁忌般被禁止討論的現象。
每當Amy Blackstone博士提到她沒有孩子,而且她也不想要時,其他人總是滿臉困惑、反唇相譏、心懷憐憫,甚至是謾罵和譴責相應。然而,並非只有她選擇不生孩子,現在有越來越多人選擇不當父母。這樣的決定縱使已存在許久,圍繞在此之外的仍舊是許多誤解、刻板印象甚或偏見──選擇不生孩子代表著「自私」、違反了生為女性的「母性本能」、意味著家庭或個人的不完整…。
From Dr. Amy Blackstone, childfree woman, co-creator of the blog we're {not} having a baby, and nationally recognized expert on the childfree choice, comes a definitive investigation into the history and current growing movement of adults choosing to forgo parenthood: what it means for our society, economy, environment, perceived gender roles, and legacies, and how understanding and supporting all types of families can lead to positive outcomes for parents, non-parents, and children alike.
As a childfree woman, Dr. Amy Blackstone is no stranger to a wide range of negative responses when she informs people she doesn't have--nor does she want--kids: confused looks, patronizing quips, thinly veiled pity, even outright scorn and condemnation. But she is not alone in opting out when it comes to children. More people than ever are choosing to forgo parenthood, and openly discussing a choice that's still often perceived as taboo. Yet this choice, and its effects personally and culturally, are still often misunderstood.
Amy Blackstone, a professor of sociology, has been studying the childfree choice since 2008, a choice she and her husband had already confidently and happily made. Using her own and others' research as well as her personal experience, Blackstone delves into the childfree movement from its conception to today, exploring gender, race, sexual orientation, politics, environmentalism, and feminism, as she strips away the misconceptions surrounding non-parents and reveals the still radical notion that support of the childfree can lead to better lives and societies for all.