Arts-Based Education: China and Its Intersection With the World

Arts-Based Education: China and Its Intersection With the World

  • 定價:3540

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Core texts addressing creativity in a number of contexts show that creativity as a scientific subject has received principally the attention of Western scholars. Is this due to the fact that Western cultures are more creative or sensitive to creativity than the Eastern cultures? The editors strongly believe that this is more due to the differences in understanding and practising creativity in the West and East than to an Eastern indifference to creativity.

Arts-Based Education: China and Its Intersection with the World investigates the field of arts-based educational practices and research. It argues that reflections on these themes must necessarily be reframed and re-read beyond the limits of colonialist oppositions and suggests a constructive and reflexive approach to theory and methodology, which takes into account intercultural and critical perspectives in these studies.

This volume is the tangible product of the acknowledgement that China and Chinese culture deserves a more systematic and up-to-date dissemination through recent studies that bring together the arts, learning and creativity. It is clustered around two themes: (1) China and its communication with the world through arts-based education in international contexts, and (2) the development of arts education in China.



Tatiana Chemi, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Creativity and Educational Innovation at Aalborg University, Denmark. She has published monographs, chapters and many articles on artistic creativity and arts-based methods in educational practices and research.
Lihong Wang, Ph.D., is associate professor in the School of English Studies of Beijing Language and Culture University, China. She has published monographs, chapters and articles on international students’ learning experiences and the cultures of teaching and learning.
Xiangyun Du, Ph.D., is professor at Qatar University and adjunct professor at Aalborg University, publishes substantially on problem-based and project-based learning in fields ranging from engineering, medicine and health, foreign languages and teacher education, to diverse social, cultural and educational contexts.



  • ISBN:9789004399464
  • 規格:平裝 / 230頁 / 23.4 x 15.2 x 1.5 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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  • 羅曼史
  • 國際書展