育碧娛樂軟體(Ubisoft)旗下大作: 《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖Tom Clancy’s The Division》,冠上美國暢銷軍事小說家湯姆.克蘭西之名,是一款第三人稱射擊(TPS)、大型線上多人(MMO)、角色扮演遊戲(RPG),一代有兩千萬玩家的實績,一度在全球引起一波紐約特工熱潮。不管是劇情體驗還是打寶,在無縫的開放世界中,帶給玩家 MMO 沉浸感,也是這款遊戲令人著迷之處。
由美國最大的獨立漫畫公司「黑馬漫畫」(Dark Horse)與法國遊戲公司育碧聯手高規格打造《湯姆克蘭西全境封鎖:世界》精美畫集,帶領特工深入災害後混亂而危險的世界,全球限量2500套!
1.「具策略」的獨家版外盒,附:同特工佩戴的智慧手錶一樣有發光效果的SHD logo(策略國土部門, Strategic Homeland Division)
2. 獨家布面海報
3. 獨家精裝封面
4. 收錄192頁全境封鎖遊戲內容,重回育碧所打造的高度擬真破敗紐約街景與崩毀的華盛頓特區。
5. 獨家附電子版下載代碼,免費下載:《湯姆克蘭西全境封鎖:世界畫集(The World of Tom Clancy's the Division)》與《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖漫畫(Tom Clancy's The Division: Extremis Malis)》電子版
The World of Tom Clancy''s The Division is the meticulously crafted result of a partnership between Dark Horse books and Ubisoft Entertainment, offering readers a unique insight into the chaotic and dangerous world of the hit games.
This limited-edition package includes: - "Tactical" clamshell case with light-up "SHD Tech" icon. - Exclusive cloth poster. - Exclusive "dossier" cover. - 192 Page The World of Tom Clancy''s The Division Hardcover book that will bring readers into the ravaged streets of New York City and Washington DC as seen in Ubisoft''s record-breaking videogame series Will be Limited to 2,500 copies. Don''t miss this opportunity to learn all there is to know about the tactical methods, the high-tech tools, and the all-important mission of the Division