選擇你的聯盟,挑選你的武器,展開新奇的新冒險,重新探索艾澤拉斯 (Azeroth),體驗前所未見的快感。立體書完整重現魔獸世界地域的多樣面貌:從經典的奧格瑞瑪城(Orgrimmar)還有暴風城(Stormwind)。到戰地廢墟洛丹倫(Lordaeron)與島國泰達希爾(Teldrassil)。還有最新的庫爾提拉斯(Kul Tiras)與贊達拉(Zandalar)。翻開每一頁都是驚奇,精緻的布局,與令人回味的地標,讓你如臨現場,穿梭在多樣的魔獸世界。新創的藝術形式,帶領你穿梭每座地景裡你不曾注意的小角落,一起回到艾澤拉斯的世界吧。
紐約時報最暢銷之立體書紙藝工程師Matthew Reinhart,最初的夢想原本希望成為一名玩具設計師,但在取得普拉特學院 (Pratt Institute) 的工業設計學位後,轉而成為紙藝設計師,但他的夢想轉個彎後,仍然成真了,因為Matthew可說就是立體書結合影視動漫和玩具的最佳代言人。Matthew曾創作過《冰與火之歌立體書》、《迪士尼公主魔法立體書》、《FROZEN:冰雪奇緣立體書》等暢銷作品,於立體書收藏界享有高口碑。這本最新力作再次展現了精密的紙工藝設計,打造出絕對值得珍藏的夢幻逸品。
Choose your faction, pick your weapon, and prepare for an astonishing vision of the world of Azeroth like you've never seen before
Built by best-selling paper engineer Matthew Reinhardt, the World of Warcraft Pop- Up Book brings the most well-loved locations of Warcraft to life, from the classic faction hubs of Orgrimmar and Stormwind, to the battle-scarred lands of Lordaeron and Teldrassil, and even the new capital cities of Kul Tiras and Zandalar Each page unfolds into an eye-popping treat, depicting iconic locations with brand-new art in interactive ways that you've never seen before. Unfold each individual spread to form a map of Azeroth