法國知名紙雕家Hélène Druvert,曾獲得2015年法國圖書大獎(La Nuit du Livre),與立體書大師Robert Sabuda齊名。2019全新作品《奇幻後花園(Garden Jungle)》,帶領你進入充滿想像的花園探險。
青草突然像是茂密叢林拔高而起,而這裡的小貓彷彿蛻變成一隻隻兇猛的獵豹,法國紙雕家H?l?ne Druvert再次用她細膩的美感,重現Tom探險中的奇幻後花園。一張張色彩繽紛的剪紙層疊下,叢林世界如夢似幻,還有許多可愛動物隱藏其中,甚至翻著翻著,都似乎能聽到風吹過樹葉的沙沙聲響。如此精美的紙雕書,相信無論是大人小孩都會愛不釋手!
法國知名紙雕家Hélène Druvert,曾獲得2015年法國圖書大獎(La Nuit du Livre),與立體書大師Robert Sabuda齊名。2019全新作品《奇幻後花園(Garden Jungle)》,帶領你進入充滿想像的花園探險。
青草突然像是茂密叢林拔高而起,而這裡的小貓彷彿蛻變成一隻隻兇猛的獵豹,法國紙雕家Hélène Druvert再次用她細膩的美感,重現Tom探險中的奇幻後花園。一張張色彩繽紛的剪紙層疊下,叢林世界如夢似幻,還有許多可愛動物隱藏其中,甚至翻著翻著,都似乎能聽到風吹過樹葉的沙沙聲響。如此精美的紙雕書,相信無論是大人小孩都會愛不釋手!
Follow Tom to the edge of his garden, where the grass turns into a lush jungle and a walk turns into an expedition! Tom, a little boy who's bored, follows a butterfly deeper than he's ever been in his backyard and discovers uncharted territory. Here, the grass becomes a jungle, the cat turns into a leopard, and the only sounds come from leaves blowing in the wind. But all too soon, it's time to go back. Tom realizes his house is just behind those shrubs . . . It's so good to be bored! This beautiful, colorful storybook is illustrated with laser-cut silhouettes that make the garden come alive. An exciting backyard adventure, Garden Jungle will appeal to children of all ages.