Optical Engineering Science

Optical Engineering Science

  • 作者: Rolt, Stephen
  • 原文出版社:Wiley
  • 出版日期:2020/02/10
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:7200

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A practical guide for engineers and students that covers a wide range of optical design and optical metrology topics

Optical Engineering Science offers a comprehensive and authoritative review of the science of optical engineering. The book bridges the gap between the basic theoretical principles of classical optics and the practical application of optics in the commercial world. Written by a noted expert in the field, the book examines a range of practical topics that are related to optical design, optical metrology and manufacturing. The book fills a void in the literature by coving all three topics in a single volume.

Optical engineering science is at the foundation of the design of commercial optical systems, such as mobile phone cameras and digital cameras as well as highly sophisticated instruments for commercial and research applications. It spans the design, manufacture and testing of space or aerospace instrumentation to the optical sensor technology for environmental monitoring. Optics engineering science has a wide variety of applications, both commercial and research. This important book:

  • Offers a comprehensive review of the topic of optical engineering
  • Covers topics such as optical fibers, waveguides, aspheric surfaces, Zernike polynomials, polarisation, birefringence and more
  • Targets engineering professionals and students
  • Filled with illustrative examples and mathematical equations

Written for professional practitioners, optical engineers, optical designers, optical systems engineers and students, Optical Engineering Science offers an authoritative guide that covers the broad range of optical design and optical metrology topics and their applications.



STEPHEN ROLT, D.Phil, formerly Senior Optical Engineer at Durham University, United Kingdom. He has had a thirty-year career in optics that has embraced both industry and academia. Dr. Rolt spent 20 years in applied research at the Standard Communication Laboratories and has filed over 25 patents in the optical technology field.



  • ISBN:9781119302803
  • 規格:精裝 / 664頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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