身為最受信任的心理教練,Trevor Moawad和許多頂尖運動員及教練合作過,Nick Saban、Kirby Smart和Russell Wilson都曾在時向他諮詢過關於職涯的問題。 而今,Moawad梳理其事業巔峰案例其受挫過往,與大家分享從中所習得的智慧,教授大家如何扭轉劣勢,化險為夷。他的成功秘訣非常簡單,其實就是以「中性思考」取代大多數人天生內建的悲觀思想而已,此外,盡可能以客觀的態度面對問題、分析形勢,並在關鍵時刻依舊保持冷靜,以助於決斷。
Foreword by Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson
From a top mental conditioning coach—"the world’s best brain trainer” (Sports Illustrated)—who has transformed the lives and careers of elite athletes, business leaders, and military personnel, battle-tested strategies that will give you tools to manage and overcome negativity and achieve any goal.
He knows how to win.
More, he knows the many ways-subtle, brutal, often self-inflicted-we lose.
As the most trusted mental coach in the world of sports, Trevor Moawad has worked with many of the most dominant athletes and the savviest coaches. From Nick Saban and Kirby Smart to Russell Wilson, they all look to Moawad for help finding or keeping or regaining their competitive edge. (As do countless business leaders and members of special forces.)
Now, at last, Moawad shares his unique philosophy with the general public. He lays out lessons he's derived from his greatest career successes as well as personal setbacks, the game-changing wisdom he's earned as the go-to whisperer for elite performers on fields of play and among men and women headed to the battlefield.
Moawad's motivational approach is elegant but refreshingly simple: He replaces hardwired negativity, the kind of defeatist mindset that's nearly everybody's default, with what he calls "neutral thinking." His own special innovation, it's a nonjudgmental, nonreactive way of coolly assessing problems and analyzing crises, a mode of attack that offers luminous clarity and supreme calm in the critical moments before taking decisive action.
Not only can neutral thinking raise your performance level-it can transform your overall life. And it all starts, Moawad says, with letting go. Past failures, past losses-let them go. "The past isn't predictive. If you can absorb and embrace that belief, everything changes. You'll instantly feel more calm. And the athlete-or employee or parent or spouse-who's more calm is also more aware, and more times than not ... will win."