大獎插畫名家 Emily Gravett 精心繪製
* 兩度榮獲英國凱特格林威獎,知名插畫家艾蜜莉.葛拉菲特(Emily Gravett)精心繪製,以大膽而富想像力的風格,為魁地奇賦予驚喜巧思
* 霍格華茲圖書館借閱率最高的書籍之一!全彩精美插圖,深度探索巫師界最受歡迎的運動——魁地奇
魁地奇可說是魔法世界最有人氣的運動,要了解魁地奇的魅力,絕對不能錯過這本《穿越歷史的魁地奇》!本書收錄關於魁地奇的有趣知識,搭配豐富的彩色插圖,帶領讀者回顧魁地奇的歷史,看看金探子是如何產生?四年一度的盛事——魁地奇世界盃又是如何開始的?魁地奇球賽門票到底長什麼樣子?書中不只介紹英國及愛爾蘭各大球隊隊徽和球衣特色,還收錄魁地奇賽場上實用的戰術分析,以及《哈利波特》書中曾提到的查德利砲彈隊(Chudley Cannons)、泥水池聯隊(Puddlemere United)等球隊的小檔案。跟著大獎插畫名家艾蜜莉.葛拉菲特(Emily Gravett)充滿巧思的插圖,一起深入了解魁地奇的有趣和迷人之處!
An essential companion to the Harry Potter series, this spectacular new full-colour edition of J.K. Rowling's Quidditch Through the Ages brings together one of the world's best loved storytellers with the creative genius of Emily Gravett. A sumptuous visual feast of a book, the pages are bursting with glorious illustrations, handmade memorabilia and two breathtaking gatefold spreads. This sporting almanac promises magic and wonder in equal measure for both newcomers to the Wizarding World and established Harry Potter fans. Each amazing page is waiting to pored over and enjoyed!
'Oh, you wait, it's the best game in the world.'
Ron Weasley
Devoured by Harry Potter in his first year, Quidditch Through the Ages is consulted on a daily basis by the young witches and wizards at Hogwarts. Kennilworthy Whisp's sporting bible whisks readers through a whistle-stop tour of the wizarding world's favourite sport. Packed with trivia, tales of on-pitch antics, and Quidditch stars past and present, the sports almanac also contains comprehensive profiles of Quidditch teams loved by readers of the Harry Potter novels – Chudley Cannons, Puddlemere United, Vratsa Vultures and many more …
Twice winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal, Emily Gravett joins the celebrated team of hand-picked talent who have brought their illustration magic to the world of Harry Potter. Her wildly creative imagination has conjured a cornucopia of sporting memorabilia to surprise and delight. Lovingly created in a dazzling range of media – drawn, sewn, thrown – and infused with her trademark visual wit, these charming and funny handmade artworks are the perfect pairing for J.K. Rowling's humorous insights into the magical, airborne sport.
Quidditch Through the Ages is published in aid of Lumos, an international children's charity founded in 2005 by J.K. Rowling, and Comic Relief.