★英國暢銷「職人互動遊戲書」Busy Day系列
★推薦給2歲以上翻讀的硬頁機關書(board book)
幼兒閱讀是五感體驗的過程,在遊戲中手眼並用更能激發孩子興趣,奠定閱讀習慣與成就感。Busy Day系列以繽紛圖像連結生活中常見職人的工作場景,每頁精巧的機關設計讓小讀者盡情翻找與探索,動手跟著大廚做不同任務。有趣又充滿變化的機關有助鍛鍊小肌肉及手眼協調能力。
It's a busy day in the kitchen! Join in and use the flaps to help the chef as he chops, stirs and bakes! With interactive action-flaps, you can do it too!
Each clever flap provides an action or scene-change to encourage children to actively engage and explore. The playful flaps are perfect for little hands to help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Original concept and illustration by Dan Green.