★作者戴夫‧皮爾奇(Dav Pilkey),在美國被喻為天才型的得獎漫畫家及繪本作家,擅長幽默搞笑筆觸和畫作,曾榮獲凱迪克,代表作另有“Captain Underpants”(內褲超人) 。
超狗神探Dog Man和Petey貓遭遇最棘手的挑戰!新的邪惡勢力步步進逼,世界瀰漫著絕望的氣息,在黑暗中掙扎……「愛」是否能支持正義的一方,找到最後的希望?
狗英雄Dog Man吸引廣泛的讀者群,乍看是好笑的漫畫,但故事情節卻傳達了保持善良、具同情心、不屈不撓等正向意涵。
Dog Man is down on his luck, Petey confronts his not so purr-fect past, and Grampa is up to no good. The world is spinning out of control as new villains spill into town. Everything seems dark and full of despair. But hope is not lost. Can the incredible power of love save the day?
Dav Pilkey's wildly popular Dog Man series appeals to readers of all ages and explores universally positive themes, including love, empathy, kindness, persistence, and the importance of doing good.