★ 凱迪克金獎得主弗洛卡(Brian Floca)最新作品
★ 疫情下的人性,真實感動人心
曾以Locomotive《火車頭》一書榮獲凱迪克金獎的弗洛卡(Brian Floca)說,他希望透過這本新作品,讓那些仍受困在家裡的年輕讀者們放心,知道這世界仍在運轉,也希望讓他們了解這場災難代表什麼意義、為何會如此,以及這對我們彼此間的關係帶來什麼影響。弗洛卡說,每個人都有能力幫助別人,「我希望孩子們認識那些維持社會繼續運作的無名英雄,思考他們是誰,以及我們為何必須向他們致敬。」
Caldecott Award winner Brian Floca gives a heartfelt thank you to the essential workers who keep their cities going during COVID-19 quarantine in this tenderly illustrated picture book.
We are here at home now, watching the world through our windows. Outside we see the city we know, but not as we’ve seen it before. The once hustling and bustling streets are empty. Well, almost empty. Around the city there are still people, some, out and about. These are the people keeping us safe. Keeping us healthy. Keeping our mail and our food delivered. Keeping our grocery stores stocked. Keeping the whole city going. Brian Floca speaks for us all in this stirring homage to all the essential workers who keep the essentials operating so the rest of us can do our part by sheltering in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.