獨家贈送赤蘭(Future Nya)樂高人偶
2011年推出的樂高旋風忍者系列今年邁入第10年,新版《LEGO NINJAGO Character Encyclopedia》挾著話題上市,除了帶你認識年輕版胡大師以及冰忍贊恩之外,書中還囊括了許多不同以往的旋風忍者知識,不但蒐集了黑暗君王伽瑪當統治的邪惡帝國裡的數十個惡棍,包括天空海盜、捕龍族、晴美公主、骷顱大軍,還可以認識2021年最新熱騰騰出爐的超級惡棍!
Meet more than 200 minifigures from the LEGO® NINJAGO® world - plus an exclusive Future Nya minifigure for your collection!
Find out the coolest details about hundreds of LEGO NINJAGO minifigures.
Uncover unusual versions of legendary heroes, including Avatar Zane and Teen Wu.
Learn to identify dozens of foes from villainous groups including the Sky Pirates, Dragon Hunters, and all-new 2021 baddies.
Expand your NINJAGO knowledge with fact files on all your favorite ninja plus the most obscure characters, including the Ninjago Mailman, Gravis, and Captain Soto.
Discover heroes and villains from 10 years of LEGO NINJAGO in the LEGO NINJAGO Character Encyclopedia New Edition - the ultimate handbook for fans of the NINJAGO world.