★ 幼教專家認證推薦!學齡前孩童開心學26個英文字母書
★ 1字母搭配3道有趣問題,引導孩子擴充詞彙量、學習發音
★ 繽紛可愛的動物及腳色圖案,吸引孩子目光
好比字母B,書中列舉的字彙是「Bear」,簡單例句為「Bears Riding Bicycles」,再搭配可愛大熊跟著小熊一前一後騎乘腳踏車的圖案,以強烈的視覺讓孩子自然而然記憶。最下方則列出3個跟B有關,藏在圖案裡的問題諸如:「What color is the balloon?」、「Can you count the brown bears?」、「What else begins with /b/?」
Introduce your child to the foundational skill of learning their ABC’s with this fun and engaging guide to the alphabet.
My First Brain Quest: ABCsis a delightful alphabet book that helps babies and toddlers learn the letters of the alphabet, expand their vocabulary, and develop phonics skills. Each letter of the alphabet is showcased with an engaging alliteration, a fun illustration, and questions that support conversation about counting, colors, comparison, and more. Smart, colorful, grounded in educational principles, and reviewed by a panel of early learning experts this board book introduces the alphabet in a bright, engaging way.