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▸▸ 噴火龍會飛、會噴火,每隻都好威風!可是有隻小火龍,跟兄弟姊妹都不同……。她不喜歡火,甚至不會飛,但她還是努力學噴火、拚命想學飛,希望爸爸能以她為榮。好不容易飛上天,她卻不小心掉到湖裡面。小火龍好緊張!因為爸爸曾經說:「水裡又濕又冷,還會澆熄火,很恐怖!」可是,濕答答的小火龍卻發現,待在水裡簡直「棒 ~ 呆 ~ 了 !」怎麼會這樣?難道…… 這隻小火龍,其實不是龍?
✦ 全球暢銷書《小鱷魚,最怕水》睽違七年姊妹作,無縫接軌最有梗、最甜蜜的成長故事。
✦ 故事要從扉頁開始看!找一找故事的伏筆與「彩蛋」,了解小火龍的身世與「來龍去脈」。
✦ 美感與幽默感高度結合。插畫用色精巧、造型討喜可愛、細節睿智風趣,一路笑料不斷。
✦ 深刻又活潑地展現無條件的愛如何帶來正向關懷,鼓勵孩子肯定自我與他人的個體特色。
From the award-winning Gemma Merino, author of the iconic The Crocodile Who Didn't Like Water (over half a million copies sold worldwide), The Dragon Who Didn't Like Fire is a deeply funny story about acceptance, difference and unconditional love.
Everybody knows that dragons can breathe fire, but unlike her brothers and sisters, this little dragon is different. She doesn’t like fire but she desperately wants to fly and make her Dad proud. In an attempt at flying, she finds herself plunging into the lake. Being underwater should be wet, cold and horrid, but it feels AMAZING. Could it be that this little dragon isn’t a dragon at all?