★ Amazon年度最佳童書《The Bad Seed》正宗續集
★ 隨書附贈150張貼紙,裝飾南瓜燈最佳幫手!
紐約時報暢銷作者喬里約翰(Jory John)繼《壞種子》、《優良蛋》之後,再次發揮他幽默搞笑功力,這次壞種子又有什麼樣好笑的內心戲呢?快翻開書頁找出答案吧!隨書還附贈150張搞怪貼紙,讓你可以好好地裝飾你的南瓜燈喔!
Based on the New York Times bestselling picture book sensation The Bad Seed, Jory John and Pete Oswald present: The Good, the Bad, and the Spooky!
Halloween is the Bad Seed’s favorite holiday of the year. But what’s a seed to do when he can’t find a show-stopping costume for the big night? Postpone trick-or-treating for everyone, of course!
Can he get a costume together in time? Or will this seed return to his baaaaaaaaad ways?
Find out in this hilarious, charming, and thought-provoking continuation of Jory John and Pete Oswald’s bestselling series.