Ali Farazmand is Professor of Public Administration at Florida Atlantic University, where he also teaches Intellectual Development (philosophy and theory) of Public Administration, Organization Theory and Behavior, Organization Change and Public Management, Public Personnel and Labor Relations, Collective Bargaining/Negotiation, Administrative Ethics and Accountability, Globalization and Sound Governance, Modern Systems of Government, and Bureaucratic Politics and Administrative Theory, and Executive Leadership.
Farazmand received his Ph.D. and MPA from the Maxwell School as well as an MS in Educational Administration from Syracuse University, and a BS in Business Administration from Tehran University. He is the author and editor of 24 books plus over 140 refereed journal articles and book chapters. He has published in Public Administration Review, Administration & Society, Public Organization Review, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Public Administration Quarterly, International Journal of Public Administration, and Public Budgeting and Finance. He is also the Founding Editor in Chief of Public Organization Review: a Global Journal, and the new Editor-in-Chief of Public Organization Review, International Journal of Public Administration. Farazmand is a leading, globally recognized international scholar, and a global consultant on public administration and governance reforms, administrative ethics, organizational change and public management, organization design and performance, crisis and emergency management, public sector quality and productivity management, leadership, and globalization and global studies. His original groundbreaking contributions to knowledge are recognized in various areas of social science: bureaucratic politics and administrative theory, chaos and transformation theories, institutional theory, crisis and emergency management, surprise management theory, organizational elite theory, sound governance, and globalization.