《書之子》(A Child of Books)是一本看似抽象又具象的書,女孩帶著男孩悠遊於書的世界裡,在不同的環境裡走出自己的世界。看扉頁上羅列的一本本書,彷彿是一張建議閱讀書單,但絕對不是!這是一份寫成不同生命故事的書單——我們的生命是由一段段不同故事組成,有的不知道怎麼開始,有的不知如何結束;還有的被打斷,或是接成另外的故事,教人經常措手不及,只能驚呼「怎麼會這樣!」來掩飾自己的茫然。
——摘錄自Okapi【主題繪本控】賴嘉綾:突破極限的繪本創作者──拜訪《書之子》作者Sam Winston倫敦工作室
A New York Times Bestseller!
New York Times best-selling author-illustrator Oliver Jeffers and fine artist Sam Winston deliver a lyrical picture book inspiring readers of all ages to create, to question, to explore, and to imagine.
A little girl sails her raft across a sea of words, arriving at the house of a small boy and calling him away on an adventure. Through forests of fairy tales and across mountains of make-believe, the two travel together on a fantastical journey that unlocks the boy’s imagination. Now a lifetime of magic and adventure lies ahead of him . . . but who will be next? Combining elegant images by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston’s typographical landscapes shaped from excerpts of children’s classics and lullabies, A Child of Books is a stunning prose poem on the rewards of reading and sharing stories—an immersive and unforgettable reading experience that readers will want to pass on to others.