★國際級紙藝大師Matthew Reinhart年度重磅新作
紐約時報暢銷立體書紙藝大師-Matthew Reinhart神還原恐龍時代的震撼巨作,開啟全新人與恐龍追逐的冒險旅程。從1993年大導演史蒂芬史匹柏的科幻代表作、電影特效史上的里程碑—《侏羅紀公園》,到2015年重現恐龍熱潮的《侏羅紀世界》橫跨近30年的傳奇場景,霸王龍、迅猛龍和其他史前生物在Reinhart巧手紙藝世界裡,以360度動態形式華麗登場,讀者不僅能從各角度欣賞創作、操作各式精巧的互動機關,還會發現隱藏版驚喜。
世界級紙藝大師Matthew Reinhart,最初的夢想原本希望成為一名玩具設計師,但在取得普拉特學院 (Pratt Institute) 的工業設計學位後,轉而成為紙藝設計師,但他的夢想轉個彎後依然成真了,Matthew可說是立體書結合影視動漫和玩具的最佳代言人。Matthew曾創作過《哈利波特》、《冰與火之歌立體書》、《迪士尼公主魔法立體書》、《FROZEN:冰雪奇緣立體書》等暢銷作品,於立體書收藏界享有高口碑。並曾獲頒被業界喻為「立體書界的奧斯卡獎」:梅根多佛獎(Meggendorfer Prize)殊榮。這本最新力作再次展現了精密的紙工藝設計,期待2022即將上映《侏羅紀世界3:統霸天下》之際,《侏羅紀世界立體書》絕對值得立體書迷、恐龍控與影癡收藏。
Life will not be contained in this exciting and interactive pop-up journey through the entire Jurassic saga—from pop-up legend Matthew Reinhart.
The hit Jurassic World series recaptivated audiences globally when it unleashed an island of new and terrifyingly realistic dinosaurs on the world. Inspired by director Steven Spielberg’s 1993 classic Jurassic Park, the iconic saga has ushered in a whole new generation of film fans.
Featuring explosive, pop-off-the-page depictions of the Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, and other prehistoric favorites, this deluxe pop-up book traces the evolution of the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World sagas across three decades of major motion pictures. Presented in a dynamic 360-degree format that allows fans to view and participate in the action from all sides, Jurassic World: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book also includes interactive pull-tabs and hidden surprises.
Bigger than a T. rex and smarter than a Raptor, Jurassic World: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book is the definitive interactive exploration of the most gargantuan saga in movie history.