碧翠絲.阿雷馬娜(Beatrice Alenagna)曾創作2017年獲紐約時報最佳童書的《無所事事的美好一天》(On a Magical Do-Nothing Day)、《巴黎的獅子》(A lion in Paris)、《神奇的胖胖-蓬蓬-小小》(The Wonderful Fluffy Little Squishy)等廣受歡迎的精采繪本作品。(文/博客來編譯)
Harold Philip Snipperpot is turning seven years old. He’s never had a real birthday party. His parents are too grumpy. But this year is going to be different. Thanks to an amazing man named Mr. Ponzio, something incredible is going to happen on Harold’s birthday – and it’s going to be absolutely extraordinary.
Full of surprises, every animal imaginable, and magical moments galore, Harold Snipperpot's Best Disaster Ever is a rumbustious exploration of the ways in which good things can emerge from disaster.