從昆蟲、花朵、植物到動物,《LEGO Super Nature》告訴你大自然神奇的奧妙之處。從沼澤、濕地、深海、森林、雨林、高山、草原到沙漠,書中除了告訴你各種風土氣候各異的氣候區小知識外,還帶你探索這些棲息地裡特別的動植物。
最讓人期待的是運用書中附贈的51塊樂高積木,拼出大黃蜂、小丑魚、仙人掌以及美麗的花等四款獨家模型。快跟著《LEGO Super Nature》一起,徜徉在神奇美麗的大自然,並透過書中各式各樣的樂高造型為自己找尋靈感,拼出專屬自己獨一無二的樂高世界吧!
Discover the natural world with LEGO® bricks!
Did you know there's a plant that eats insects? And a mammal that can fly? LEGO® Super Nature is packed full of fascinating facts from the natural world, all illustrated with LEGO builds. Best of all, the book comes with bricks to make four exclusive LEGO mini-builds.
From insects, flowers and trees to mammals, birds and deepwater fish, LEGO Super Nature takes you on a tour of discovery through the wonders of the natural world. You will learn all about the amazing plants and creatures we share our planet with, their homes and the weird and wonderful things they get up to.
Specially commissioned plant and animal builds illustrate the lively text, giving ideas and inspiration for building your own LEGO models.