《I'm Thinking of a Jungle Animal》硬頁遊戲書,以簡單的英文描述叢林動物的特徵,試著讓孩子透過描述,猜猜看書中提到的可愛動物是什麼。是誰最愛啃竹子、白天夜晚吃不停、圓滾滾的、身上有黑、白的毛呢?是誰躲在那裏,身上是橘色的毛皮、黑色的線條,安靜地不發出聲音,正用鼻子和眼睛尋找獵物呢?依照簡單的線索,還有微微露出的插圖,先猜猜看,再拉開拉頁、揭開謎底,認識動物們的特徵和習性。
系列作品還有:《I'm Thinking of a Pet》、《I'm Thinking of a Farm Animal》、《I'm Thinking of a Sea Creature》
Guess the jungle animal from the clues, then pull a slider to reveal the answer!
A brilliant non-fiction board book series perfect for little animal lovers. With vibrant energetic artwork and a friendly rhyming text, these interactive books are great for reading aloud.
Each child is thinking of jungle animal . . . What do they look like? What do they eat? And what noise do they make? Follow the simple clues, make a guess, then spot the animal hiding in the beautifully illustrated scene and pull the slider to reveal the answer! With four favourite jungle animals to find - and animal noises too!