
JavaScript: Syntax and Practices

JavaScript: Syntax and Practices

  • 定價:5775

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JavaScript is an easy-to-use, flexible, dynamic, prototype-based programming language predominantly used over the web. Although the initial focus of the language was to assist in the generation of dynamic web content, it soon found its way into numerous other applications. This book aims to cover the fundamentals of the language by providing a strong start for people who wish to start their journey to the JavaScript programming language. It provides the mandatory theoretical background, which is much needed for implementation of the exhaustive hands-on exercises and includes over 4000 lines of code for grasping a maximum understanding of the material.


  • A strong theoretical background and understanding of the fundamentals of the JavaScript language
  • Hands-on and demo exercises at the end of every chapter
  • Exercises, theory-based questions, MCQs and true/false questions for helping readers to evaluate their understanding from time to time
  • A dedicated chapter providing extended case studies for using the language

This book is targeted at undergraduate as well as postgraduate students who want to learn about front-end programming or who wish to learn a lightweight, easy-to-use programming language for working on their projects. For programmers having experience in other languages, it will serve as a quick summary to get a hold of a new language.



Dr Ravi Tomar is currently working in the capacity of Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) in the School of Computer Science at the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun, India. He is an experienced academician with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in Programming, Computer Networking, Stream processing, Python, Oracle Database, C++, Core Java, J2EE, RPA and CorDApp. His research interests include Wireless Sensor Networks, Image Processing, Data Mining and Warehousing, Computer Networks, big data technologies and VANET. He has authored 51+ papers in different research areas, filled two Indian patent, edited 2 books and have authored 4 books. He has delivered Training to corporates nationally and internationally on Confluent Apache Kafka, Stream Processing, RPA, CordaApp, J2EE and IoT to clients like KeyBank, Accenture, Union Bank of Philippines, Ernst and Young and Deloitte. Dr Tomar is officially recognized as Instructor for Confluent and CordApp. He has conducted various International conferences in India, France and Nepal. He has been awarded a young researcher in Computer Science and Engineering by RedInno, India in 2018.

Ms Sarishma is currently working in the capacity of Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department at Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India. She is a Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect specialized in the area of virtualization and cloud computing. She is a bright young enthusiast driven towards innovative research work and dedicated to imparting quality education to the higher education industry. She has authored many research papers in recognized journals and has authored a book on Mobile Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms. Her research interests include blockchain, virtualization, vehicular ad-hoc networks and live memory forensics. She is currently pursuing her PhD with full rigour.



  • ISBN:9780367641429
  • 規格:精裝 / 216頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國


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