Distributed Situation Awareness in Teamwork

Distributed Situation Awareness in Teamwork

  • 定價:7197

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Linda Sorensen, C.ErgHF MIEFH, received a BSc in Psychology from the University of Oslo in 2005 and an MSc in Organisational and Social Psychology from the London School of Economics in 2007. Dr. Sorensen completed her PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Southampton in 2013. She has contributed to Human Factors research at the National Physical Laboratory and the University of Southampton. Dr. Sorensen has also served as a Research Fellow at the Department of Maritime Technology and Innovation at Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norway. Dr. Sorensen has conducted research in the field of situation awareness, teamwork, military command and control and sociotechnical systems. Currently, Dr. Sorensen is running a global safety project to tackle human element challenges in the maritime domain with BW Fleet Management.

Neville Stanton, PhD, DSc, is both a Chartered Psychologist and a Chartered Engineer and holds the Chair in Human Factors in the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment at the University of Southampton, UK. He has degrees in Psychology, Applied Psychology and Human Factors and has worked at the Universities of Aston, Brunel, Cornell and MIT. His research interests include modelling, predicting and analysing human performance in transport systems as well as designing the interfaces between humans and technology. Professor Stanton has worked on cockpit design in automobiles and aircraft over the past 25 years, on a variety of automation projects. He has published 30 books and over 250 journal papers on Ergonomics and Human Factors, and is currently an editor of the peer-reviewed journal Ergonomics. In 1998 he was awarded the Institution of Electrical Engineers Divisional Premium Award for a co-authored paper on Engineering Psychology and System Safety. The Institution of Ergonomics and Human Factors awarded him The Otto Edholm Medal in 2001, The President¹s Medal in 2008 and The Sir Frederic Bartlett Medal in 2012 for his contribution to basic and applied ergonomics research. The Royal Aeronautical Society awarded him and his colleagues the Hodgson Prize and Bronze Medal in 2006 for research on design-induced flight-deck error published in The Aeronautical Journal. The University of Southampton have awarded him a Doctor of Science in 2014 for his sustained contribution to the development and validation of Human Factors methods over the past 25 years.



  • ISBN:9781138629592
  • 規格:精裝 / 232頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【自然科普、電腦資訊】投資新手也ok!躺贏人生,打造月月PAY財富,電子書6折起









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