The Times, the Mail on Sunday, the Sunday Mirror and the Sunday Telegraph. A mother of three grown-up children, she most recently co-authored the column ’Mum and Me’ with her daughter Bryony in the Sunday Telegraph’s magazine Stella. In her new column ’You Are Never Too Old To Learn’ Jane is taking on new challenges designed to further future-proof her brain and body. data-fwclientid=0e1fc79c-a0a4-429e-a166-646dcc9c9f23 data-preservehtmlbullets=0 data-allowlists=0 data-crlfsubmit=1 autocomplete=off spellcheck=false class=field_input_main field_input_copytext field_input_copytext_body copytextheight-normal field_input_disabled fieldkeycheck-setup copytext-setup contenteditable=false>In a journalistic career spanning three decades, Jane Gordon has had columns in The Times, the Mail on Sunday, the Sunday Mirror and the Sunday Telegraph. A mother of three grown-up children, she most recently co-authored the column ’Mum and Me’ with her daughter Bryony in the Sunday Telegraph’s magazine Stella. In her new column ’You Are Never Too Old To Learn’ Jane is taking on new challenges designed to further future-proof her brain and body.