"Turner Family Stories: From Enslavement in Virginia to Freedom in Vermont features the work of six New England cartoonists drawing on the rich personal and family stories of the remarkable Daisy Turner (1883-1988) of Grafton, Vermont. Turner Family Stories presents two of Daisy’s accounts of the life of her father, Alec Turner, by Marek Bennett and Joel Christian Gill, and two stories from Daisy’s own life by Francis Bordeleau and Lilllie Harris. The comics are linked together through a story by Grafton native Ezra Veitch, based on a childhood encounter he and a friend had with Daisy one afternoon. Center for Cartoon Studies graduate Robyn Smith drew the volume’s cover. The book also features a Foreword by Gretchen Gerzina, Introduction by Julian Chambliss and a Preface by Jane Beck"--Bookshop.org