Macmillan出版社旗下好評不斷的Priddy Learning書系,此次特別為學齡前兒童設計色彩認知書。堅固書頁裡附活動轉輪,鼓勵孩子邊玩遊戲邊學習色彩以及基礎字彙,轉到什麼顏色就認識各種顏色。穿插翻翻頁、連連看等各式各樣互動小遊戲。
Priddy Learning: My First Colors is an ideal introduction to colors for preschoolers, and features a striking color wheel with spinner.
Priddy Learning: My First Colors is a fun introduction to colors for preschoolers. This fantastic novelty board book from Priddy Books even includes a striking color wheel with a spinning pointer.
The color wheel and spinner are set in a die-cut within the cover, and fold out so the child can spin the pointer and turn to the corresponding page using the colorful tabs. With fun illustrations and simple questions to answer, kids will enjoy learning about the colors around them.