日本東京大型購物中心PARCO以呈現許多次文化聞名,2017年到2019年閉館改建三年期間,邀請日本知名漫畫家大友克洋,以及著名拼貼藝術家河村康輔合作,將漫畫神作《AKIRA》的經典場景再創作並搬上了施工外牆,成為澀谷繁忙街頭最搶眼的風景。PARCO在2019年重新開幕後,延續先前的藝術牆計畫,並推出全新展覽「AKIRA ART OF WALL Katsuhiro Otomo x Kosuke Kawamura AKIRA ART EXHIBITION」,在「PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO」與「GALLERY X」兩個空間將施工圍牆的巨大作品再次展出,這些拼貼作品在展覽期間再次造成轟動。
《阿基拉:澀谷特展紀念豪華套組》共三冊摺頁書、一本目錄書、及一張海報:前三冊攤開共22.7公尺的雙面豪華作品,收錄當時PARCO改建時外牆上《AKIRA》作品、精選六冊漫畫的場景、對話框與經典對白,以日本製書傳統-手風琴摺頁書的設計「蛇腹製本」裝楨方式呈現。第四冊獨家收錄大友克洋和河村康輔的專訪,以及獲獎攝影師TAKAMURADAISUKE拍攝當時澀谷市區巨大藝術牆的照片紀錄。並贈送一幅A2尺寸(41.9 x 59.4公分)海報。
1) 特製銀色收藏外盒,尺寸:17.8 x 30.2 x 5.2公分
2) 第一冊:PARCO外牆2017年10月25日-2018年5月15日展出的作品內容,摺頁書攤開長度894公分(正面與背面)。
3) 第二冊:PARCO外牆2018年5月16日-2019年2月27日展出的作品內容,摺頁書攤開長度688公分(正面與背面)。
4) 第三冊:PARCO外牆2019年2月28日-2019年8月8日展出的作品內容,摺頁書攤開長度688公分(正面與背面)。
5) 52頁精裝目錄書,收錄大友克洋和河村康輔的全新專訪,以及攝師 TAKAMURADAISUKE的展覽紀實
6) A2海報(41.9 x 59.4公分)
AD 2019: The year the world caught up to AKIRA. Two years before this milestone, author Katsuhiro Otomo worked with artist Kosuke Kawamura to enrobe a Tokyo city block in a collage of gripping moments from the manga that revolutionized an art form. Then, over the next two years, he did it twice more. The result: three electifying compilations of Otomo's art, meandering across the city. And now you can take them home.
From 2017-2019, the throngs passing through Tokyo's emblematic Shibuya neighborhood were lucky enough to witness a massive art project. The PARCO department store was closed for renovation, and Katsuhiro Otomo and collage artist Kosuke Kawamura seized on the opportunity to stretch Otomo's landmark manga AKIRA across the barriers separating the construction site from the bustling nightlife of Shibuya, Tokyo.
When the project was completed, it was 2019: the very year the story of AKIRA began. To commemorate this milestone, a silver foil-coated collector's box presents an exquisite reproduction of Otomo and Kawamura's work, with the specifications overseen and approved by Otomo-sensei personally. Nearly 75 feet (22.7 meters) of illustrations, speech balloons, and text selected from AKIRA's six volumes stretch across three accordion-bound volumes. A fourth volume includes an exclusive interview with Otomo and Kawamura, as well as photographs of the original exhibition by award-winning photographer TAKAMURADAISUKE. Rounding out the box is a dramatic, 16.5x23.4-inch poster.
In this form, Kawamura's recontextualization of Otomo's manga is reminiscent of traditional Japanese emaki (picture scrolls), the narrative scrolls that some scholars see as manga's most ancient ancestors.
Don't miss this change to own a singular artifact in the history of anime and manga.
- Scroll 1: Oct. 25, 2017-May 15, 2018. 29.3 feet (8.94 meters).
- Scroll 2: May 16, 2018-Feb. 27, 2019. 22.6 feet (6.88 meters).
- Scroll 3: Feb. 28, 2019-Aug. 8, 2019. 22.6 feet (6.88 meters).
- 430 x 607 mm poster
- 52-page hardcover catalog book including new interviews with Katsuhiro Otomo and Kosuke Kawamura and photographs by TAKAMURADAISUKE
- Rigid, silver cold foil-wrapped box