三角形、圓形、正方形、波浪形,各式各樣形狀的食物,你知道該怎麼用英文說嗎?《The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eats Dinner》帶小小讀者來一趟形狀巡禮,硬頁書版設計加上獨特的拼貼風,還有小朋友最熟悉的洞洞設計可以探索,家有小毛毛蟲迷的你不可錯過唷!
Join The Very Hungry Caterpillar for one of his favorite meals of the day: dinner!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is very hungry . . . for dinner! With die-cut pages, a simple narrative, and beautiful artwork from Eric Carle, this interactive board book is the perfect way to introduce the concept of shapes. From triangular pizza slices to round veggie burgers to squiggly ramen, there's something everyone will enjoy. This book will become a staple in the kitchen for even the littlest food critic in training!