專營藝術設計書的美國出版社Princeton Architectural Press,此次特別邀請台灣藝術家陳狐狸(Whooli Chen)合作推出「農夫市集拼圖1000片」。畫中隨處可見藝術家詩情畫意的無限想像-小巷中市集裡散發著早晨特有朝氣,充滿小販此起彼落吆喝聲,漫步中可見超大尺寸的台灣特色蔬果,包括荔枝、西瓜、鳳梨、還有絲瓜,有著柔色、暖色中性色、和突出單色,色彩繽紛,是美食控、市集迷,以及拼圖愛好者必蒐的絕佳禮物!
拼圖裝在21.2x28.8x6.35公分的精緻霧面收納盒,無粉屑。玩家可一邊參考外盒的拼圖圖像,或盒內高解析大尺寸完整圖像,一邊拼出這幅尺寸為63.5 x 50.8公分的拼圖。
This vivid 1000-piece puzzle features a whimsical seasonal farmers' market, depicting oversized, colorful produce and a rich diversity of farmers and customers with layers of activity to discover.
With bustling activity, large sections of bright colors, and micro-stories and inside jokes hidden within the scene, this jigsaw puzzle is perfect for solo or group assembly. To help with solving, there is a large insert of the puzzle image for reference, featuring a statement from the artist, Taiwan-based illustrator Whooli Chen. The box contains high-quality pieces and minimal puzzle dust, and the finished puzzle assembles to 25 x 20 inches. The ideal gift for foodies, this peek inside a farmers' market is sure to provide hours of puzzling fun for the whole family.