★ 教師、圖書館員、讀者滿五星推薦!
★ 跟小學生討論「種族」、「多元文化」、「自我認同」的最佳起點
★ 以翻翻機關、繽紛插畫吸引孩子目光,透過問答逐步理解這個重要議題
本書由教育慈善機構「Show Racism the Red Card」跟Usborne出版社聯手合作,讓孩子意識到種族歧視是所有人都應該正視的問題。
From 'What's wrong with the idea of 'race'? and 'Why is life harder for people with darker skin?' to 'Don't ALL lives matter?' and 'What's racism got to do with me?' this book tackles powerful, pertinent questions in a direct, accessible and thought-provoking way. Discover why racism is everyone's problem to solve, and how we can all be part of the solution.