如果西班牙超現實主義藝術大師達利(Salvador Dalí)有天邀賓客上門共享晚餐,誰會是他的座上賓呢?
除了非比尋常的動物客人,超現實主義運動發起人保爾·艾呂雅(Paul Éluard)、西班牙傑出詩人劇作家佛多里柯·賈西亞·羅卡(Federico García Lorca)、比利時超現實主義大師雷內·馬格利特(René Magritte)、瑞士超現實主義藝術家和攝影師梅德瑞·歐本漢(Meret Oppenheim)、西班牙超現實主義藝術家胡安·米羅(Joan Miró)及超現實主義創始人、法國詩人作家安德烈·布勒東(André Breton)也來共襄盛舉。
拼圖外盒標示每位賓客的身分供玩家對照。蓋子內側標示出現在拼圖內25個關於達利的趣味冷知識,諸如:達利為以棒棒糖聞名的糖果公司加倍佳(Chupa Chups)設計的商標、達利放進勞斯萊斯的花椰菜等,讓玩家邊拼邊探索物件代表的意義。
拼圖原作者為西班牙的插畫師Iratxe López de Munáin,她是入選義大利波隆那童書展等世界各大獎的常勝軍,擅長以彩色鉛筆與不透明水彩(Gouache),創造出色彩鮮明繽紛的世界。其作品常見於全球各大出版刊物與展覽空間,並長期與Apple、HP等商業客戶合作。
★外盒尺寸:28 x 28公分
★拼圖尺寸:48.5 x 68公分
If you could have dinner with any artist, who would it be?
A giant grasshopper, an anteater and an ocelot named Babou – they’re not your usual dinner guests. Put down your lobster telephone and experience the magic of Salvador Dalí in this 1000-piece puzzle. Join Meret Oppenheim, René Magritte and a kaleidoscope of butterflies as you piece together the artists, artworks and surroundings that bring this surrealist dream to life.
Did you know that Dalí designed the Chupa Chups logo? Or that he once packed 500kg of cauliflower into a Rolls Royce? Piece together this 1000-piece puzzle and then peek inside the lid to discover the meaning behind everything in the artwork. There’s 25 interesting facts to discover.
The Dinner Date Jigsaw Puzzle series is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of history’s most famous artists.
Completed puzzle measures 48.5 x 68 cm.