Smart Nanodevices for Point-Of-Care Applications

Smart Nanodevices for Point-Of-Care Applications

  • 定價:5775

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Smart Nanodevices for Point-of-Care Applications examines the latest trends on the capabilities of nanomaterials for point-of-care (PoC) diagnostics and explains how these materials can help to strengthen, miniaturize, and improve the quality of diagnostic devices. A thorough explanation of all-in-one nanosmart devices is included, incorporating all of the applications and fundamentals of these smart devices.


This book provides practical information on the following: novel and effective smart materials, better-quality health management, effective management of a disease, potential point-of-care devices, and mobile nanosensors.


Additional Features

  • Includes in-depth research based collation of the latest trends of smart devices
  • Provides practical information on all-in-one nanosmart devices
  • Explains how nanomaterials can help to strengthen and improve the quality of diagnostic devices
  • Emphasizes the development of smart nanodevices, especially the miniaturization aspect



Dr. S Kanchi is currently working as Senior Researcher and Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa and Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Sambhram Institute of Technology, and Bengaluru, India. He obtained Master of Science degree in Applied Chemistry from Sri Venkateswara University College of Science and Arts, India in 2003. He received Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Electro-analytical Chemistry from Sri Venkateswara University 2010. He has extensive research experience in multidisciplinary fields of Analytical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, and Electrochemistry. He has published 75 research articles in international journals of repute and 17 book chapters in knowledge-based book editions published by renowned international publishers. He has published seven edited books with PanStanford-CRC press, Singapore, Scrivener-Wiley Publisher and Elseiver. He is the member of various editorial boards of the journals. He has supervised one PhD and 07 Master’s student. He has attended as well as chaired sessions in various international and national conferences. He has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Associate and Research Fellow in Department of Material Science and Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan and Department of Chemistry, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa in the field of electrochemistry and biosensors. He has one South African patent in designing portal sensor device to detect the hotness of Chilly in food materials. He is a life and senior member of several international professional; organizations. His research interest includes, SMART Materials for Device Applications, SMARTPHONE based Sensing Systems, Nanodiagnostics, Computational Chemistry, NanoElectrochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Green-Nanotechnology.
Dr Rajasekhar Chokkareddy received his doctorate in Chemistry on "Fabrication of sensors for the sensitive electrochemical detection of anti-tuberculosis drugs" from the Durban University of Technology (DUT), South Africa. He completed his MSc (Organic Chemistry) at Sri Venkateswara University, India. Currently, Dr Rajasekhar Chokkareddy is working as Research Associate in the same department. His main research focuses on the development of electrochemical sensors/biosensors for the various pharmaceutical drugs as well as thermophysical properties of ionic liquids. He has published 14 papers and 15 book chapters in various peer-reviewed international journals.
Dr. Mashallah Rezakazemi received his BSc. and MSc. degrees in 2009 and 2011, respectively, both in Chemical Engineering, from the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), and his Ph.D. from the University of Tehran (UT) in 2015. In his first appointment, Rezakazemi has been served as professor of the Faculty of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the Shahrood University of Technology since 2016. Dr. Rezakazemi has also received his degree promotion to associate professor in 2019.
Dr. Rezakazemi’s research is in the general area of the water-energy nexus, CO2 capture, gas separation, desalination, to the service of the broad areas of learning and training. Specifically, his research in engineered and natural environmental systems involves: (i) membrane-based processes for energy-efficient desalination, CO2 capture, gas separation, and wastewater reuse, (ii) sustainable production of riched gas stream, water and energy generation with the engineered membrane, (iii) environmental applications and implications of nanomaterials, and (iv) water and sanitation in developing countries.



  • ISBN:9780367740245
  • 規格:平裝 / 328頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國




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