★ 英國水石書店年度最佳童書得主,《森林裡的鋼琴師》大衛.里奇斐德最新作品
★ 近9成讀者滿5星推薦
以《森林裡的鋼琴師》(The Bear and the Piano)系列大獲好評的創作者大衛.里奇斐德(David Litchfield)在這本動人且溫馨的繪本中,以溫暖的筆觸帶讀者安心處於「悲傷」的情緒中,並理解無論內心悲傷程度為何,都要為自己及悲傷騰出空間和時間。
「本書幫助孩童和成人一起理解悲傷的情緒。書中的悲傷很可愛,不是一個可怕的角色。 男孩聰明而溫柔,給悲傷安全感和進出庇護所的自由,並給悲傷時間重返世界。溫暖人心,充滿希望。學校和托兒所必備藏書。」──亞馬遜讀者五顆星評論
Sadness has come to live with me
and I am building it a shelter.
I am building a shelter for my sadness
and welcoming it inside.
A small boy creates a shelter for his sadness, a safe space where Sadness is welcome, where it can curl up small, or be as big as it can be, where it can be noisy or quiet, or anything in between. The boy can visit the shelter whenever he needs to, every day, sometimes every hour, and the two of them will cry and talk or just sit, saying nothing.
And the boy knows that one day Sadness may come out of the shelter, and together they will look out at the world, and see how beautiful it is.
A poignant and heart-warming picture book exploring the importance of making space and time for our own griefs, small or large, sensitively visualized with David Litchfield's stunning illustration.
Anne Booth was inspired to write this book by the words of Etty Hillesum, a Holocaust victim who wrote:
'Give your sorrow all the space and shelter in yourself that is its due, for if everyone bears grief honestly and courageously, the sorrow that now fills the world will abate. But if you do instead reserve most of the space inside you for hatred and thoughts of revenge-from which new sorrows will be born for others-then sorrow will never cease in this world. And if you have given sorrow the space it demands, then you may truly say: life is beautiful and so rich.' (Esther 'Etty' Hillesum (15 Jan 1914 - 30 Nov 1943)