Barron’s Adult CCRN Exam Premium study guide provides all of the key concepts you need to pass the Adult CCRN exam, with detailed review and full-length practice tests plus online practice.
This book features:- A 25-question pretest to help pinpoint areas in need of intensive study needed to prepare for the Adult CCRN exam (also known as the Direct Care Pathway)
- Detailed subject reviews relevant to nursing, pediatric care, and critical care, including Cardiovascular Concepts, Pulmonary Concepts, Professional Caring and Ethical Practice Concepts, and more, in an easy-to-digest outline format, along with corresponding practice questions and answer explanations
- Two full-length practice CCRN tests in the book, each with 150 multiple-choice questions and fully explained answers
- One full-length online practice exam with detailed answer explanations and scoring
- More than 500 practice questions overall, for review and study
CCRN certification is a requirement in order to work in areas such as intensive care units, cardiac care units, combined ICUs/CCUs, medical/surgical ICUs, trauma units, or critical care transport/flight. CCRNs who have successfully passed the test report that self-study with sets of practice questions is an excellent strategy for success. Don’t take chances with your CCRN certification--let Barron’s CCRN book help you achieve the next level of professional achievement.